Submit a Guest Post

Write For Us


To get your work published on our site, send your article to us at

Guest Post Guidelines

Thanks for contributing to The Economic Transcript!

We publish informative articles on Economics, Finance, Politics, Business, Social Issues, and Entertainment pieces such as book/movie reviews of relevant media content on our website.

Whether it is the beginning of your journey into the field of writing, or if you’re an expert, we are here to inspire and promote your ideas.

With that in mind, here are some guidelines and recommendations for each piece of content that you submit.

1. All content MUST BE ORIGINAL.

The article should be original and not published anywhere at the time of submission. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Data and quotes must be cited.

2. Break up your content, so it’s easy to read

This means including headings, subheadings, bullets, and any other visual elements to increase the readability of your piece.

3. Photos

Include at least three images related to the content of the article. Images must be clear (<100 kb)

4. No defamatory or abusive content will be allowed.

5. Check grammar and spelling before submission.

6. Hyperlinks must be added properly to your post (if any).

7. Posts should be 1,000 – 1,500+ words in length.

8. If you would like to advertise your business in posts, email us about our sponsored publications.

Note -

The final decision regarding publication of the blog on the main website rests with The Economic Transcript.

The submitted articles will be reviewed and moderated, and published by our editorial team if they meet the aforementioned criteria.

Your content will be reviewed and edited to make it SEO-friendly, if necessary.

Once published, the article shall belong to The Economic Transcript.

The copyright over the published content will be co-owned by the respective contributor and The Economic Transcript – we will also have the additional right to use the content for promotion.

How Do I Submit An Article?

To post to, email us your article at

When your article is ready and meets our requirements, send an email to with the following information:

Brief introduction about yourself (maximum 60 words)

Link from Google Docs with full article (at least 1000 words). The Google Doc must provide access to the “Anyone with the link can edit” permission.

Add to the line “Guest post”

Therefore, we look forward to promoting your high-value work on our website and honoring you as a guest writer.