Youth Unemployment in Rajasthan


In recent years, Rajasthan has grappled with a pressing issue – soaring youth unemployment. Recent statistics released by the Rajasthan government paint a concerning picture, indicating that the state is home to over 1.84 million registered unemployed youths, with a staggering 1.44 million holding graduate degrees. The overall unemployment rate stands at a worrying 28.5 percent, making Rajasthan the second-highest in terms of unemployment in India, surpassed only by Haryana. The urban areas, facing an unemployment rate of 30.3 percent, underscore the severity of the situation.

Economic Landscape

Rajasthan’s economy is characterized by a substantial informal sector, particularly prevalent in agriculture and small-scale industries. Unfortunately, jobs in the informal sector often come with low wages, job insecurity, and a lack of social security benefits. This discourages skilled individuals from pursuing such occupations, contributing to the unemployment crisis.

The demographic structure of Rajasthan, with a substantial youth population, exacerbates the issue. The rapid growth in the working-age population has outpaced the creation of job opportunities, significantly contributing to the alarming unemployment rate. Gender-based unemployment disparities persist, especially in rural areas, where women face challenges accessing education and formal employment opportunities, leading to a substantial portion of the female population being excluded from the labor force.

Youth Unemployment in Rajasthan
Source - The Daily Guardian

Urbanization Challenges

The rapid pace of urbanization in Rajasthan has not been met with a proportional increase in job creation in urban areas. This spatial mismatch contributes to higher unemployment rates in cities, leaving aspiring job-seekers without viable opportunities.

Economic Dependence on Traditional Sectors

Rajasthan’s economy heavily relies on traditional sectors such as agriculture and handicrafts. The limited diversification into emerging industries hampers the creation of a diverse range of employment opportunities, especially for the youth equipped with modern skills.

Entrepreneurship Hurdles

Despite efforts to promote entrepreneurship, bureaucratic red tape and complex regulatory processes hinder the establishment and growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Simplifying regulatory procedures and providing support for aspiring entrepreneurs could stimulate job creation.

Technological Disruptions

The advent of technology has led to automation and digitization in various industries, rendering some traditional jobs obsolete. The lack of adequate reskilling programs exacerbates the unemployment crisis, as workers struggle to adapt to evolving job market demands.

Global Economic Impact

Rajasthan’s economy is not immune to global economic fluctuations. External factors, such as changes in global demand for certain goods and services, can impact industries in the state, leading to job losses and heightened unemployment rates.

Internal Migration Challenges

Internal migration trends, with a significant number of individuals moving from rural to urban areas in search of employment, contribute to the saturation of urban job markets. This intensifies competition for limited opportunities.

Environmental Factors

Rajasthan faces environmental challenges, including water scarcity and climate variability. These challenges impact agriculture, a primary source of livelihood for many, leading to disruptions in income and employment opportunities.

Systemic Issues

Several factors contribute to the high unemployment rate in Rajasthan. A slow pace of industrialization, lack of investment in infrastructure and industries, reliance on seasonal agriculture, and an education system failing to equip students with necessary skills are key contributors to this issue.

Skills Mismatch

The root causes of the soaring unemployment rate are multifaceted, primarily stemming from an insufficient number of job opportunities, particularly in sectors necessitating specialized skills. A conspicuous skills mismatch exists between what job seekers offer and what employers demand, often traceable to an education system that fails to equip students with relevant, marketable skills.

Youth Unemployment in Rajasthan
Source – The Indian Express

Political Implications of Unemployment

The issue of unemployment has become a significant electoral concern, with major political parties, such as the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party, incorporating it into their election manifestos. The unemployed youth demand tangible solutions from their political representatives.

The youth in Rajasthan constitute a significant portion of the voting demographic. Recognizing their electoral weight, political parties strategically align their agendas with issues that directly impact this demographic, such as unemployment. Parties that effectively address youth concerns gain a competitive edge during elections.

Political Mobilization and Activism

High levels of youth unemployment in Rajasthan have spurred political mobilization and activism. Youth-led movements and protests demand attention from political leaders, making youth unemployment a focal point in election campaigns. This activism has the potential to influence public opinion and shape political narratives.

Legitimacy of Political Institutions

Persistent youth unemployment can erode the legitimacy of political institutions and leaders. If political parties fail to provide tangible solutions to the unemployment crisis, they risk losing the trust and support of the youth, jeopardizing their overall legitimacy in the eyes of the public.

Electoral Manifestos

The gravity of the youth unemployment issue is reflected in the inclusion of specific promises and policies related to job creation in the electoral manifestos of major political parties. Voters, especially the unemployed youth, scrutinize these promises, holding political leaders accountable for their commitments.

Voting Behavior

Unemployment directly influences the voting behavior of the youth in Rajasthan. They are more likely to support political candidates and parties that demonstrate a clear understanding of the challenges they face and present viable solutions to address unemployment.

Emergence of Youth Leaders

The youth unemployment crisis has paved the way for the emergence of youth leaders who advocate for comprehensive policy reforms. These leaders, often representing youth-centric political movements, seek to influence political discourse and push for legislative changes that address unemployment issues.

Youth Unemployment in Rajasthan
Source - Hindustan Times

Partisan Polarization

Youth unemployment can contribute to partisan polarization, with political parties adopting divergent stances on the best approaches to tackle the issue. This polarization can impact the efficiency of policy implementation, as parties may prioritize ideological differences over collaborative problem-solving.

Role of Social Media

The rise of social media has amplified the political implications of youth unemployment. Online platforms provide a space for youth to express their grievances, mobilize support, and hold political leaders accountable. Social media activism can shape public opinion and influence electoral outcomes.

Demand for Youth Representation

The demand for effective solutions to youth unemployment has led to increased calls for greater representation of youth in political decision-making bodies. Political parties may need to integrate the perspectives of the youth into policymaking to address their specific concerns adequately.

Governmental Interventions

The state and central governments have undertaken various schemes to mitigate unemployment in Rajasthan. The Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Yojana provides financial assistance to educated, unemployed youth. The Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill aims to ensure a basic income for residents. The state government has pledged to create 1 lakh jobs, emphasizing the importance of generating employment opportunities.

Skill Development Initiatives

The state government has prioritized skill development and training programs to enhance the employability of the youth. These initiatives aim to bridge the skills gap and equip individuals with the capabilities required by the evolving job market.

Central Government Programs

The Skill India initiative focuses on enhancing the skill sets of the Indian workforce. The Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana incentivizes employers to generate employment. The National Career Service (NCS) portal connects job seekers with employers, enhancing accessibility to job opportunities.

Promotion of Entrepreneurship

Various central schemes provide financial assistance and incentives to promote entrepreneurship among the youth. Supporting entrepreneurial ventures aims to create self-employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth.

MGNREGA and Rural Employment

The central government’s flagship program, MGNREGA, plays a role in providing employment opportunities in rural areas. This program guarantees a certain number of days of wage employment to every rural household, contributing to overall employment generation.


Youth unemployment in Rajasthan is a multifaceted issue that demands immediate attention. While the state and central governments have implemented various schemes and initiatives, more comprehensive measures are required. Partnerships between industries and educational institutions could help align the curriculum with industry needs and increase employability. Promoting an investor-friendly environment could lead to job creation. Development of rural infrastructure and promotion of agriculture-based industries could create employment opportunities in rural areas. Collaboration with private enterprises could lead to the creation of skill development centers, vocational training institutes, and job placement agencies. It is imperative for policymakers, educational institutions, and industries to cooperate to equip young people with the necessary skills and opportunities for a prosperous future.


Written by – Kashvi

Edited by – Kushi Mayur

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