-Jen Sincero

Source: Business Insider


Are you stuck in ennui? Or confused about how to manage your finances? Or need help navigating through your finances? Or Want to organize your money in a way It would make you richer? Then this book is for you. It was on the New York’s #1best selling book list and is still on the list after 3 years.

The author, Jen Sincero has explained and given advice to manage your finances using her own examples. This book is no less than an autobiography mixed with a self-help book
Jen Sincero lived in a garage and was broke and now she lives in a small house in Santa Fe, rich enough to buy anything she wishes to. This book walks its readers through her journey of tackling with and making more money. Her finances started looking up after she decided that she wants to get out of the filthy little garage and do something about her money problems, REALISING that you have a problem and ACCEPTING it is the first step to move further and ahead.

One of the key philosophies Sincero discussed in the book is her definition of the word “RICH”, she defines it as ‘To be able to afford all the things and experiences required to fully experience your most authentic self.’ According to her We exist in a world where, like it or not, nearly everything involved in your growth, pursuit of happiness, and self-expression costs money. One of the things that really spoke to me while reading the book was when she discusses the Universal Intelligence and she talks about how she believes that something that you imagine is already out there for you, all you have to do is work on the path that is already created for you. This book helps you manifest your thoughts into money and it will motivate you to stop cribbing over not having or struggling with money and start working towards increasing your wealth. This book will teach you to keep dreaming bigger and to work harder to achieve that you’ve dreamt of. She also discusses how a lot of people tend to talk negatively about money or feel like it’s wrong to talk or think of wanting more of it, she simply says “All that matters for you is true”.

Key takeaways from this book:

Source: Pinterest

Written by- Maitri Mehta

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